Kamehameha Day: Understanding Why Native Hawaiian FAIL in Hawai’i

Jonathan Okamura, professor emeritus University of Hawai’i-Manoa, wrote an impassioned plea to local residents to stop pretending Hawai’i is a “multicultural Paradise.” We are multicultural. No pretense. Treasonous Kamehameha however partnered with the British in the late 1700s to colonize the islands, create his monarchy and rule over The People. Kamehameha caused Paradise to be lost.

Keiki is Hawai’i are the biggest casualties of Paradise Lost. Reading: in 2022, only 35 out of 100 fourth graders in Hawai‘i could read at their grade level (35%, which is an F for administrators); and in Math, only 22 out of 100 eighth graders in Hawai‘i were good at math (22%, another F); Attendance, almost 4 out of 10 students in Hawai‘i missed a lot of school (44%, a D), and more than double the number from 2019. Especially concerning is 59 out of 100 Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander students, (59%, an F), missed a lot of school.

The Rich & Privileged are more concerned about fireworks than educating Hawaii’s children. The Rich & Privileged need someone to make their beds, clean their hotel rooms and prepare their fancy dinners. Japanese officials dominate our public school system. It’s reported they send their kids to private schools.

StarAd Screenshot: 6.12.24: Firework bill ignited
StarAd Screenshot: 6.12.24

“This year’s data suggests a concerning trend for Hawai‘i’s youth and that is they will continue to be the population who suffers when our state’s policies do not support the economic well-being of working families.”

Deborah Zysman, executive director of Hawai‘i Children’s Action Network [source]

For example, here’s a picture from 1891, King David Kalākaua’s Funeral. The catafalque containing Kalākaua’s remains reaches the Mausoleum: date: 2-15-1891. Why are Local Hawaiians dressed like Europeans? Europeans did not take or steal the islands. The monarchs brought outsiders; monarchs adopted styles, cultures and traditions of outsiders. Monarchs destroyed Kanaka culture to enrich their families at the expense of ordinary Polynesian people.

Royal Mausoleum, Mauna ʻAla. Kalakaua's Funeral. Ref No.: PNLPC-4-82C. Date: 2-15-1891
Royal Mausoleum, Mauna ʻAla. Kalakaua’s Funeral. Ref No.: PNLPC-4-82C. Date: 2-15-1891

Another example. Funeral of former Queen Lili’uokalani. She wasn’t willing to fight, and maybe die, for the Native Hawaiian people. The queen could have fought. Could have remained under house arrest, as say, Nelson Mandela did in S Africa for 27 YEARS. Like her brother David, preferred not to put her life on the line for the Kanaka Maoli. Lydia was rich and privileged, and remained under house arrest ONLY 8 Months

Ref No.: PNMPC-2-109JJ: The Catafalque reaches the Royal Mausoleum Grounds - Nuuanu Valley
Ref No.: PNMPC-2-109JJ: Catafalque reaches the Royal Mausoleum Grounds – Nuuanu Valley

Kamehameha and forces murdered many wise Ali’i Nui (chiefs) and killed many powerful warriors, leaving the islands defenseless and without competent leadership. Indigenous Hawaiians from the island of Kaua’i did not want to join with Kamehameha — surrendering only when facing the warlord’s fleet of gun ships massing off their shores in 1810. There was no unity. Fear governed the tiny islands.

This explains why Native Hawaiians did not rise up in 1887 or 1893. They had no LOVE for the monarchs. Small communities of indigenous Polynesians were decimated by Kamehameha’s weapons of war or disease brought by outsiders invited to the kingdom by the Royal family.

Kamehameha I designed Kingdom of Hawaii flag in 1816. Eight stripes of red, white and blue represented the 8 major islands -- Under the British Union Jack -- signifying the colonial jurisdiction.
Kamehameha I designed Kingdom of Hawai’i flag in 1816. Eight stripes of red, white and blue represented the 8 major islands — Under the British Union Jack — signifying the colonial jurisdiction.

Kamehameha I designed Kingdom of Hawai’i flag in 1816. Eight stripes of red, white and blue represented the 8 major islands — Under the British Union Jack — signifying the colonial jurisdiction.

Kamehameha enriched his family; not the Kanaka people. And, those privileged from Kamehameha brutality, Royal Order of Kamehameha, further his legacy to preserve their power and wealth — all stolen from the Native Hawaiian people, formally known as Kanaka Maoli.

The Royal Order of Kamehameha I was established on April 11, 1865 by his Majesty King Kamehameha V (Lot Kapuaiwa) to honor the legacy of his grandfather, the unifier of these islands, Kamehameha the Great.
Royal Order of Kamehameha I was established on April 11, 1865 by his Majesty King Kamehameha V (Lot Kapuaiwa) to honor the legacy of his grandfather, the unifier of these islands, Kamehameha the Great.

The Royal Order of Kamehameha I was established on April 11, 1865 by King Kamehameha V (Lot Kapuaiwa) to honor the legacy of his grandfather, the unifier (not the UNITER) of these islands, Kamehameha the Great. Monarchs believe their “blood line” is superior to others. Kamehameha stole land, resources and self-determination from the Kanaka Maoli. Kamehameha OPPRESSED the Kanaka Maoli.

Common Misperception: Kamehameha UNIFIED the islands under his rule. He did not UNITE the indigenous people.
Common Misperception: Kamehameha UNIFIED the islands under his rule. He did not UNITE the indigenous people.

As we embark on the annual celebration of Kamehameha, we once again are reminded of the cultural tensions in the Aloha State. I am not a fan of the king or monarchy. I’m an Americans and my ancestors threw off the yoke of oppression. We celebrate the escape from monarchical tyranny.

The Kanaka Maoli celebrate his conquering of free Polynesian people. Some say he “united.” I claim he only “unified.” One does not “unite” a population at the point of guns or cannons. Comparatively, the thirteen colonies on America “united” against a king. They pointed their guns and cannons collectively outward from their tiny islands. Kamehameha pointed his weapons at other Kanaka. 

Kamehameha Supporters continue celebrations to HONOR the man who colonized the islands for the British and provided their families with such great wealth, privilege and power. Kanaka Maoli have been duped to support this oppressor.
Kamehameha Supporters continue celebrations to HONOR the man who colonized the islands for the British and provided their families with such great wealth, privilege and power. Kanaka Maoli have been duped to support this oppressor.

“Can we really teach America about race if the native people of Hawaii have the highest rate of homelessness in the state, while Hawaii has one of the highest per capita rates of homelessness in the nation? Native Hawaiians also are the largest group among both men and women in the state prison system.”

Jonathan Okamura [source]

I got my start in Hawai’i living in parks, remote areas and camping spots in a tent. Wrote computer code sitting in McDonald’s parkings lot jumping on their WiFi systems and counseled people struggling with addiction, financial issues and personal matters. I was more fortunate than most. I had a car … with my privilege I assisted homeless, many Kanaka Maoli, to get around. I enjoyed helping people. In return, they taught me local culture, history and native ways. 

I became ANGRY with the accepted narrative in the islands — which you and other “experts” further: that the USA and White American “stole” this land and displaced the native people. My wife is Native American. This narrative is true on mainland USA — not in Hawai’i. 

And this narrative in Hawai’i is KILLING the Kanaka. Due to their ANGER with USA and White people, they reject the official system of education. They lock themselves into service industry and gig jobs at best; criminal, underground and illicit careers at worst. They tell me they want to return to their “old ways.” I say, “Sure. However, give up the TRD trucks, big screen TVs and modern conveniences.” They don’t want to do that … and I respond, “Then you must get an education to land a decent-paying job.” They don’t want to do that … You’re a career educator. You know what I say is true.

My good friend, a kind and caring woman, Adelaida Bustamante-Aguilar, honors Kamehameha. Do not understand why. I’ve asked her to comment. Would love her opinion.

Adelaida Bustamante-Aguilar honors Kamehameha
Adelaida Bustamante-Aguilar Honors Kamehameha

Here’s the REAL NARRATIVE of Hawai’i simplified. In 1778, when British Captain James Cook made first encounter with Kanaka Maoli on Kaua’i, estimates suggest the native population was somewhere around 700,000 – 800,000. By 1893, Queen Lili’uokalani reported only 40,000 remained. 

Beautiful Day to Honor King Kamehameha

Adelaida Bustamante-Aguilar posts to social media that is a “beautiful day to honor King Kamehameha.” Would love to hear why she feels this way.

Adelaida Bustamante-Aguilar says it is a beautiful day to Honor King Kamehameha. Why does this kind woman honor this man?
Adelaida Bustamante-Aguilar says it is a beautiful day to Honor King Kamehameha. Why does this kind woman honor this man?

I’m not here to argue the what, why and how … that’s another discussion. USA incorporated Puerto Rico, Philippines and Hawai’i under territorial protection in 1898. Today, Kanaka Maoli population is estimated around 350,000. 

Aloha Kakalina (Cathy Fujioka), not a formal friend on social media, believes 🌺Spread the Aloha🌺. Beautiful. I agree. I asked Cathy for her thoughts as well. She wishes people, “Have a beautiful King Kamehameha Day.  🌺🌸🌺

Cathy Fujioka says, Have a beautiful King Kamehameha Day. 
Cathy Fujioka says, Have a beautiful King Kamehameha Day.  🌺🌸🌺

USA protection saved Kanaka Maoli from going extinct. If I say that around traditional Kanaka, I’m likely to be thrown into the volcano. Like it or not, those facts are the truth. We do not have a RACE problem in Hawai’i. Nobody is oppressing the Kanaka or other groups you mention. 

You point out there is, since the 1970s, a “widening socioeconomic gap between the dominant — Japanese, Chinese and Caucasians — groups, and subordinate ethnic groups — Native Hawaiians, Filipinos, Samoans, Puerto Ricans and others.” ALL DUE TO educational pursuits. 

To be successful in school, keiki must learn English. They must study hard, stay in school, get to college or trade school. There are many obstacles for subordinate ethic group following this path. Poverty and low education breeds poverty and low eduction, as we know. 

I’ve been critical of State of Hawai’i policy that continues cannabis criminalization. Illicit cannabis sales are a primary source of income for the subordinate ethic groups — because cannabis is so widely used. Easy business to enter in Hawai’i. Easy to make some basic income. Hard to get out.

Once individuals in these groups begin to deal in illicit markets, they are soon tempted to engage in higher degrees of criminal activity. Cannabis opens the door gently, doesn’t seem to be a big deal. Their need however for more money, enough to actually survive, turns them into career criminals and lands many in our state justice and prison systems. Legalizing cannabis won’t solve this pattern, but will take away one of the first steps into an underground and destitute life. 

Japanese interests profit from encouraging this anti-America attitude amongst Kanaka Maoli. Helps them create an Us vs. Them attitude against what was the dominant group historically, and further their current political, social and economic agendas. Japanese interests control much of the public school system. Kanaka Maoli are willing to accept that they are “victims.” As a famous coach taught me and his players, “If you believe you can or believe you cannot, you are right.” 

Kanaka Maoli believe they are victims and cannot. And, as you point out in your article, they are right. Their attitude of victimization leads to the key conclusion in your article. However, this imbalance has nothing to do with race — and everything to do with Kanaka Maoli cultural beliefs and behavior. Kanaka Maoli who do accept USA education, language and professional development are succeeding. Those who do not are not. 

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Ko’olau of Kaua’i. I am the Defiant One
“I Believe We Can”

2 thoughts on “Kamehameha Day: Understanding Why Native Hawaiian FAIL in Hawai’i

  1. This has got to be the most fucked up way a human brain can conjure up his or her own story of America’s reason for being here. just some dumb fucken disruptarian bullshit to cover up the truth. There is only one truth. You need to stop tryna cover up America’s wrong doing and jus be proud of what the American way really is. america the not so beautiful. when i think of America a few things stick out that revealed itself to be true with no explanation needed. War Criminal, Denationalization, Pillaging, Genocide, Inculcate, Brainwash, US constitution states Treaty’s are the law of the land, Treaty Breakers. and under international law should be held accountable for their actions and take responsibility for their actions.War crimes have and are being committed til this day. rewrite history,laws ,constitution. NO TREATY OF ANNEXATION WTF ARE YOU PEOPLE DUMB US Constitution, and i quote, treaty’s are the law of land…..no treaty no law no land therefore american law is null and void and anything with a state of Hawaii seal/notary is null n vo id including land titles. these are jus a few undeniable truths that your america carries with them along with an executive order thats still waiting a presidents signature since grover cleveland who agreed that once found guilty of treason by sanford dole and his committee of goones the queen shall be restored to her throne. its not that difficult to do jus poof be gone and let us take care ourselves. we never asked for your help nor needed it. in fact we went backwards since the illegal takeover.we kanaka were well off highly educated knowledgeable n skilled id go as far and say kanaka maoli were geniuses on a common sense level. America is a corporation and all citizens are employees of such corporation with barcodes that can be sold on the market at anytime and why is your name spelled in all capital letters for things pertaining to debt dual identities is what it is actually. can go on and on telling the truth about the american way.i dont wanna hear your opinions of this statement i wanna hear the truths that you can bring because whoever wrote that article has no tact and many points he made can be falsified. PROVE TO ME AND THE REST OF THE WORLD THAT HAWAII IS THE 50TH STATE

    1. Aloha e Derick ~ you asked us to “PROVE TO ME AND THE REST OF THE WORLD THAT HAWAII IS THE 50TH STATE.” We will. Let’s go back to 1887. King David Kalākaua was on the throne. Representatives of the Honolulu Rifles, led by William W. Hall (who founded Hawaiian Electric Co. 1891), demanded a new constitution from the king — or else. Kalākaua was a lavish spender and HUGE taxer. Just like you and me, local people didn’t like the king’s high taxes. They were pissed!

      History records this agreement as the Bayonet Constitution. Kalākaua could have fought. There were only 500 Honolulu Rifles. The king had palace guards. Kalākaua could have charged all with treason, arrested them … hung them or had them shot. Kalākaua did not. Kalākaua signed the 1887 Constitution. This constitution became the Law of the Land.

      David’s sister, Lydia, wasn’t pleased. She however had no power. Kalākaua then left on his magnificent ship crafted in England and paid for by local people with HIGH taxes. Kalākaua spent much money, from HIGH taxes on the people, for his travels. Kalākaua was the FIRST king in history to circumnavigate the globe — paid for by HIGH taxes on local people in Hawai’i.

      Kalākaua died in 1891. Sister Lydia assumed the throne, as Queen Lili’uokalani. She began working to undo the 1887 agreement. In January 1893, Lydia made her move. The Committee of Safety arrested the queen, imprisoned her in the ‘Iolani Palace, and charged her with treason. They claimed the queen was in violation of the Kingdom’s constitution.

      In 1894, local people in Hawai’i created a new government, Republic of Hawai’i. They selected Kingdom of Hawai’i Chief Justice Sanford Dole as first and only president of the Republic. In 1895, Queen Lili’uokalani agreed to formally abdicate the throne, and officially recognize the Republic of Hawai’i as the one & true government of the Hawaiian islands. In return, the Republic would drop charges of treason against her and a handful of supporters.

      The queen could have fought. She could have remained under house arrest, as say, Nelson Mandela did in S Africa for 27 YEARS. Lydia, like her brother David, chose not to fight. She remained under house arrest ONLY 8 Months. Lydia was rich and privileged. Why would she sacrifice her life for the Native Hawaiian people? Compare to American revolutionist, Patrick Henry (1775): “Give me liberty, or give me death.” Lydia wasn’t going to die for the Kingdom of Hawai’i. Nobody can change this history.

      Along with the queen’s official endorsement of the Republic of Hawai’i, some 20 nations around the world did as well, including the United States of America. Per international rules, the Republic of Hawai’i was the LEGAL government in the Hawaiian Islands. This fact is not disputed.

      In 1898, after USA defeated Spain, USA incorporated Puerto Rico, Philippines and Republic of Hawai’i under territorial protection. USA did not govern or annex these territories … USA simply told other nations to stay out … like Japan, China and Russia … regarding the Republic of Hawai’i. Puerto Rico remains a protected territory today. Filipinos declared war immediately … conduced guerrilla activities for decades.

      However, Imperial Japan overwhelmed the Philippines in WWII. Now, Filipinos wanted USA protection. Japan forces murdered 100,000s of Filipinos. American and Filipino forces joined to push Imperial Japan out, as well as ended the war in the Pacific. In 1946, due to USA and Philippines strategic alliance, USA granted Philippines FULL independence — as exists today.

      The Republic of Hawai’i did not fight USA incorporation. Officials welcomed protection and alliance. Two major political parties emerged: Home Rule and Republican. The last prince of the Royal Family, Jonah Kūhiō Kalanianaʻole, became the candidate for the Republican party. Local residents selected The Prince in 1902. He went to Washington DC, as the official representative of the territory of Hawai’i.

      The Prince was hugely popular back east. Met with presidents and leadings officials. Brought many leaders to Hawai’i to teach them about Native Hawaiian (Kanaka Maoli) culture, traditions and island beauty. Due to his leadership success, The Prince called for US statehood in 1919, and passed Hawaiian Homeland and Housing guarantees in 1920. The Prince remained in office until his death in 1922 — at the age of 50.

      The territorial government continued, although there were growing calls for statehood. Kanaka Maoli did not rise up. There were not significant movements for war against the USA or to be free or to follow the example of Filipinos. Residents in Hawai’i, including indigenous and foreign-born, were content to remain under the protection of the United States of America. In 1941, Imperial Japan attacked. Residents were thankful for USA protection. They knew what Japanese were doing in Philippines, China — where Japanese murdered over 25 MILLION — and throughout the Pacific.

      Post-WWII, local residents increased their calls to join the USA as a state. Alaska went first at 49th. Hawai’i became the 50th state in 1959, with 93% of local residents voting to join the union.

      There’s the PROOF for you and the REST of the world. Kamehameha did not ALLOW local residents to vote. He began his march to conquer the islands shortly after 1790 and his murderous, violent campaign ended in 1810, when Ali’i Nui on Kaua’i agreed to UNIFY with Kamehameha to avoid war. Under threat of British long guns and cannons, Kauaiians did not UNITE with Kamehameha — they reluctantly joined under coercion. When local residents imprisoned the queen in 1893, Kauaiians did not come to her rescue. Kauaiians had no LOVE for the Kamehameha or Kalākaua dynasties.

      VOTING is your proof; self-determination by the people — rather than being FORCED by guns or cannons — led to Hawai’i becoming the 50th state in the United States of America. Filipinos remain independent. Puerto Ricans actually seek to join the USA as the 51st state at this time. Under USA protection, as stated in the article, Kanaka Maoli went from a trajectory toward extinction to over 350,000+ Proud & Strong Americans today. E Komo Mai, USA !!!

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