White Christians STEAL Black Religion in Hawaii

What? White Christians are stealing religion of others — a religion created by Black folks. Why should I and I care? As a White male, actions of other White people can help or haunt me. I’m frequently blamed for slavery or Jim Crow. Didn’t enslave or oppress anyone. Spent my 50-year career furthering civil rights for Americans.

My g grandfather in fact was a recipient of the nation’s top military award, the Medal of Honor. His unit formed the Tip of the Sphere, as a Union soldier at the Siege of Vicksburg in 1863. Of 150 brave volunteers, all had to be single as it was a suicide, forlorn hope mission. Pvt Robert A. Lower of Illinois was one of only 19 survivors — 87% died. I want no part of racism.

More importantly, thought Christians are directed not to steal. Isn’t that one of Ten Commandments? Yes, #8. Right there. White folks are criticized heavily in Hawai’i. Asians and Native Hawaiians call us “haole,” which is like the N-word for Black people. I live aloha. These White Christians are cultural thieves.

You shall not steal

Christians don’t steal from other religions or people, right? Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25th. Everyone knows Jesus was not born on the 25th. Why then use this date? Yule was a festival observed historically by Germanic peoples and in modern times primarily by Neo-Pagans, coinciding with the winter solstice (December 21–22 in the Northern Hemisphere; June 20–21 in the Southern Hemisphere).

Yule is one of the oldest winter solstice festivals, with origins among the ancient Norse thousands of years ago. Christians STOLE the festival to honor Jesus.

What about the Christian observation of Easter? Easter actually originated as an ancient pagan celebration of the spring equinox, kind of like Yule. Whoops!!! Christians stole the day to dedicate their remembrance of the resurrection of Jesus the Christ, which is celebrated around the time of the Jewish Passover.

Now, White Christians in Hawai’i, island of Kaua’i, steal from the Black religion of Rastafari. Rastafari is a cultural and political movement that began in Jamaica in the 1930s, following a prophecy made by Marcus Garvey, a Black political leader.

Garvey led an organization known as the Universal Negro Improvement Association, whose intention was to unify Blacks with their land of origin. Rastafari grew as a response by Black people to White colonial oppression. Now, White folks in Hawai’i STEAL from this Black religion battling colonial oppression. Irony is blistering! What did John the Baptist say? Hypocrites !!!

White Pastor Rick Bundschuh calls this Kaua’i Christian Fellowship: Christafari. Free concert. Please bring $$$ as an offering will be taken. Hmmm … an offering will be expected.

White Pastor Rick Bundschuh STEALS from Black Rastafari to create Christafari and host a Gospel Reggae Music Festival
White Pastor Rick Bundschuh STEALS from Black Rastafari to create Christafari and host a Gospel Reggae Music Festival

Jesus is an important figure in Rastafari. However, practitioners reject the traditional Christian view of Jesus, particularly the depiction of him as a White European, believing this is a perversion of the truth. They claim Jesus was a Black African, and that White Jesus was a false god. Christafari depicts a White Jesus, a direct contradiction of Rastafari beliefs.

Examples of Black Rastafari Jesus and White Christian Jesus
Examples of Black Rastafari Jesus and White Christian Jesus

The Evolution of Marihuana

Rastafarians use ganja or cannabis, what is commonly called “marihuana” in the USA. White Christians have opposed marijuana use for over a century. Black immigrants from Jamaica began migrating to America in the 1930s. Federal Bureau of Narcotics director, Harry Anslinger, didn’t like Black folks coming to White America, and they brought “ganja” with them.

Darby Christensen posts, The Problem today is people don't cherish good people. They try to use them." Bob Marley
Darby Christensen posts, The Problem today is people don’t cherish good people. They try to use them.” Bob Marley

Immigrants from Mexico were also coming. Harry didn’t like Brown folks either. They brought “mota” or cannabis. Cannabis was legal in USA at the time. Use of cannabis originated in central Asia or western China, and it’s believed the Spanish brought cannabis to USA in late 1500s. USA companies, such as Eli Lilly, sold cannabis extracts in early 1900s.

Harry needed something new, a catchy label, to demonize the Devil’s Weed used by People of Color and trigger Reefer Madness hysteria. He preferred the term, “marihuana,” as it sounded Mexican and foreign. Due to racist and illegal connotations of “marihuana,” many people, states and jurisdictions have evolved to prefer the scientific name “cannabis.”

“The word cannabis kind of has a plant connotation,” he said. “The word marijuana kind of has an illegal connotation. It’s in our interest to use the word cannabis exclusively when dealing with cannabis policy.”

New Mexico Sen. Antonio Maestas, D-Bernalillo County, chair Hispanic caucus’ law and criminal justice committee [source]

Cannabis as Medicine and Holy Herb

Cannabis was known to be an excellent medicine, but opioids were popular with drug companies, “the neglect of research on the analgesic properties of cannabis was the greatly increased use of opiates after the invention of the hypodermic syringe in the 1850s, which allowed soluble drugs to be injected for fast relief of pain; hemp products are insoluble in water and so cannot easily be administered by injection.”

USA just announced a tectonic shift to reclassify cannabis as a Schedule III drug from Schedule I. Took over 50 years to reform this racist prohibition. USA suffers a deadly crisis of opioid epidemic going on 25+ years. Fentanyl poisons our nation, while using more-safe and less-addictive cannabis can still get one incarcerated in prison.

Rastafari followers believe the use of cannabis is directed in biblical passages and that “holy herb” induces a meditative state, which brings people closer to the divine. Faithful smoke herb as a sacrament in chalice pipes or cigarettes called “spliffs,” add it to plant-based organic stews, and place it in fires as a burnt offering. Adherents, mostly Black, have endured both racial and religious profiling due to their ritualistic use of cannabis.

White Christian Theft of Black Religion on Kaua’i island in Hawai’i

Returning to the moral code of the Ten Commandments, #10 states, You shall not covet, or more specifically, desire (what belongs to another) inordinately or culpably. These White Christians desire to have the social popularity of Black reggae and Rastafari culture by appropriating part of the name into their commercial activity. They steal from Black culture to be more “cool” to White folks.

You shall not covet. Drake Travis says, "Rick, once again, you're just way cool."
Drake Travis says, “Rick, once again, you’re just way cool.”

White Christian Drake Travis told White Christian Pastor Rick Bundschuh, “Rick, once again, you’re just way cool” — for stealing, coveting and appropriating Black Rastafari culture on the island of Kaua’i.

Rick, once again, you're just way cool

People who understand history in the Hawai’i islands know many Native Hawaiians, Kanaka Maoli (Kanaka), feel White men from America overthrew the Kingdom of Hawai’i in 1887 and 1893. Concerns about White appropriation of Kanaka culture is intense here. Pastor Rick fuels the tension.

More about Drake: writer, speaker, teacher, scholar and sells The Shalom Path in online marketplaces. Shalom is a Hebrew word meaning peace and can be also used idiomatically to mean hello. 

Drake is a TV show host at The High Road Show, Communicator at Global Media & IT, Presenter at Divine Sign Productions, Studied at Jerusalem University College, Studied Ancient Greek at Simpson College, Studied Biblical Studies/Theology at Simpson University, Went to Etna Union High School, Studied New Testament at Alliance Theological Seminary, Studied Process Leadership at New Covenant University, and is married to Serena Travis.

Drake’s actions do not further peace or shalom. He also supports Israel’s theft of land in Palestine. He causes conflict and sadness. Drake told me to “cheer up.” Gaslighted me. Something is wrong with me, Drake implies.

Drake Travis tells me to Cheer Up. Something is wrong with me.

Appropriation of Black Culture by White Folks Is Not Cool

I objected to Pastor Rick’s cultural appropriation of Black Rastafari culture. His followers laughed.

Appropriation of ANOTHER Religion is not cool, brah!!! Jah Rastafari !!! Christians stole “christmas.” Christians stole “easter.” Christians now seek to steal reggae. Y’all plan to smoke MASSIVE quantities of Ganja, brah? Jesus stole nothing. 

Mahatma Gandhi — “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

Not cool to appropriate the religion of others. Pastor Rick Bundschuh's followers laughed
Pastor Rick Bundschuh’s followers laughed

Who Is Pastor Rick Bundschuh?

Rick Bundschuh claims to be a Teaching Pastor/Trouble Maker at Kaua’i Christian Fellowship — South Campus. Studied at Capernwray Bible School. Mahalo to Rick for hosting and speaking, say followers. We see Rick displaying the culture appropriation of a holiday tree.

Pagans would bring fir trees into their homes at Yuletide because it represented everlasting life and fertility. The Yule tree is decorated with lights, candles, and other festive ornaments to celebrate the return of light after dark days. Yes, Christians stole that practice!

Rick Bundschuh speaking to followers and showing off the holiday tree Christians appropriated from Yule festivals.
Rick Bundschuh speaking to followers and showing off the holiday tree Christians appropriated from Yule festivals.

Rick Bundschuh went to Mission Bay High School. Now lives in Poipu, Hawai’i on the south shore of Kaua’i and is married.

Follower Sage Gauthier, who claims to be a Christ follower 💙 wrote, “relax, guy. It’s just Christian lyrics to a reggae beat. No one’s stealing it.” Then, call the event “Christian Reggae Beat Night.” No need appropriate “-afari.”

Christians such as Sage Gauthier STEAL & Appropriate Culture of Others
Christians such as Sage Gauthier STEAL & Appropriate Culture of Others

I added, “Christafari is theft and appropriation of Rastafari. Have some respect !!!” Sage responded, “well, we’ll just have to agree to disagree then.”

Responded, “do as you want. You’re stealing from another culture. Christians have done this for centuries.” Sage, “k”

Follower Nicholas Thad Love wrote, “nothing you said is true, including your quote.” Nicholas claims to be a Christ follower and husband with a passion for the truth and to be a life long catcher in the rye. Yes, my quote from Mahatma Gandhi is true:

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

Nicholas is a pastor at Valley Isle Fellowship Church, Chaplain at 154th Wing, Adjunct Professor at Pacific Rim Christian University. Worked at New Hope Maui. Former Pastor at Anchor Church. Worked at First Presbyterian Church of Honolulu at Ko‘olau. Worked at Grace Chapel. Studied M.Div at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Studied Human biology at Michigan State University. Went to Caledonia High School. Lives in Wailuku, Hawai’i. From Caledonia, Michigan and is married to Alexandra Love.

After I responded to Sage, “do as you want. You’re stealing from another culture. Christians have done this for centuries.” Nicholas again said, “another false claim.”

Christians are commanded not to bear false witness against their neighbor. Nicholas violated #9 twice. We have many mutual friends. Wish these White males would behave. Their behavior is not cool or aloha.

Pastor Rick Bundschuh has now UNFRIENDED me for my efforts to stop the theft and appropriation of Black religious culture by White Christians. Jesus told Christians to LOVE ONE ANOTHER … even LOVE YOUR ENEMIES. Guess Rick believes Jesus wasn’t talking about social media.

Something’s very skewed with these White dudes. Please, Hawai’i, don’t confuse me with them just because we all have light skin. I don’t steal from other cultures. I respect, rather than envy other cultures; and I LOVE all people, including Rick, Drake, Sage, Nicholas and Darby. Jah bless these misguided souls.

Sent article link to Nicholas Thad Love, “thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor, brother. Would think you know this commandment by now.”

Nicholas Thad Love calls article MORE NONSENSE

Nicholas Thad Love responded, “again. More nonsense. Be good brother.”

Christians, maybe; not Jesus-like. I’ve not unfriended or blocked anyone. Sought dialogue, harmony and peace. Let me leave you with a beautiful Hawaiian language cover of Bob Marley’s song Waiting In Vain: Kali Ana Au, by The Vitals. Let’s not steal. Love Jah. I and I Eternally, and stay IRIE

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Ko’olau of Kaua’i. I am the Defiant One
“I Believe We Can”

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