Donald Trump Selects Tulsi Gabbard as VP Running Mate

Exciting news — especially for residents of Hawai’i and millions of Americans like me who have supported Tulsi over the years, as well as in her run for president during Election 2020. Donald Trump has selected Tulsi Gabbard as his vice president running mate. Formal announcement will be made Friday, July 12, 2024. Republican Party convention begins Monday, July 15th, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

[NOTE: Trump can’t wait until July 12th to notify Tulsi. Trump already made decision so Tulsi can prepare. Much to do. They will announce later to be a “surprise.” You learned here first.]

Donald Trump has selected Tulsi Gabbard as his VP Running Mate, Election 2024
Donald Trump has selected Tulsi Gabbard as his VP Running Mate, Election 2024

Republicans are extremely predictable and I’m considered one of the most-observant political analysts in the nation. As Republicans are “conservative,” they aren’t highly creative. They wish to continue the past — not innovate for the future. They follow behavior and tradition of previous generations, and in this case, practices of past presidential candidates.

News is leaking out. Trump will formally announce, Friday, July 12, 2024
News is leaking out. Trump will formally announce, Friday, July 12, 2024

Who remembers Sarah Palin? She was Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s vice president selection in 2008. The two ran against Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Most Americans forgot what happened. John withheld announcing his choice until Friday before the Republican convention, August 29, 2008, and the convention kicked off, September 1–4 2008.

Don Trump and Republicans will do the same this year. Party officials have released “teasers” of potential picks. All duds and fake announcements … “but added that the former president may still choose another candidate.”

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott and Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance have received vetting materials and are the candidates most frequently discussed internally by Trump and his campaign, a source familiar with the process said, but added that the former president may still choose another candidate. NBC News first reported a winnowing of the field.

CBS News [source]

Notice they never mention Tulsi. They want the public to beat up the FOUR straw men. Get good and sick of ’em. Then announce Tulsi’s selection Friday before the convention. Little time to argue and game time convention kickoff Monday, July 15th. Smart marketing … totally predictable for any who pay attention. And remember, Tulsi can see Russia from her beautiful plantation home on O’ahu, Hawai’i on a dark night.

“I can see Russia from my house!” — Comedian Tina Fey, while impersonating Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin on the TV comedy show “Saturday Night Live,” broadcast Sept. 13, 2008.

John McCain was highly respected, but old, and frankly, unexciting. Sarah saved the day. Youthful, vibrant, energetic — and from our amazing, rugged pioneer state of Alaska. John was the seasoned political veteran — and a Veteran for real. Sarah was sexy. Conservative men pinned posters in their man caves of MILFie Sarah brandishing her assault rifle.

Republicans marketed "dingbat" Sarah Palin as a Rogue Warrior [ILLUSTRATION: BRIAN ADAMS FOR WSJ. MAGAZINE]
Republicans marketed “dingbat” Sarah Palin as a Rogue Warrior [ILLUSTRATION: BRIAN ADAMS FOR WSJ. MAGAZINE]

Sarah, though, was a dingbat. “You betcha!” Nobody could take this goofball seriously. Republicans can market anything. Give ’em a pile of shit, and they’ll have Americans believing they’re buying a gourmet dinner.

Two Rogue Women: One Dingbat; the other is smart, talented and a heroic combat Veteran

Don Trump loves to copy others. Many Republicans aren’t aware, for example, that Bill Clinton in his campaign for president 1991 popularized the slogan, “Make America Great Again.” How wild to see Trump supporters with their bright, bold red hats displaying a Clinton Democratic slogan. Hilarious, isn’t it?

Tulsi Gabbard is no Sarah Palin, although both come from rugged, pioneering states. Tulsi looks amazing on a surfboard. She’s smart, sexy, talented — totally crushed Kamala in the Democratic primary debates during the 2020 run. She’ll do the same in VP debates.

Kamala wisely dropped out in 2020. Next to Tulsi, she looked like dog-meat and clearly not ready for prime time. Tulsi is an honored and heroic combat Veteran. She adds nicely to cowardly Don “bone spurs” Trump who never served a day in his life.

Tulsi looks amazing on a surfboard. She's smart, sexy and talented.
Tulsi looks amazing on a surfboard. She’s smart, sexy and talented.

Democratic representatives and officials without a doubt are the more creative group. They are dedicated progressives — seeking change in traditions, practices and culture. Problem for Democrats is they ALL have what they consider to be the “BEST” way or idea. With so many competing visions and agendas, political experts claim Democrats, as a group, are like herding cats.

Republicans stand together. They line up religiously, and forcefully, rank & file behind their candidates. Democrats do a lot of infighting. We can see these patterns today. Trump supporters are extremely “cult-like.” Democrats are shooting at Biden sometimes more forcefully than Republicans. Crazy times!

Interestingly, Tulsi and I have a similar history. Both of us have been Democrats most of our adult lives. Both of us, more importantly, supported Bernie in Election 2016. As a political analyst, I became aware the DNC and Hillary were obstructing Bernie in the primary season. Tulsi learned, and resigned her VP position with the DNC in protest. I never forgot her heroic stance for ethics. How then can she team with Don the Deceiver, who claims Election 2020 was stolen? It wasn’t.

Democrats retaliated for Tulsi’s honorable action !!! They ostracized their former gilded princess, “Don’t rat us out, bitch!” Similarly, I’ve suffered years of retaliation in Hawai’i from Democratic officials and Hawaiian Electric corporate executives for speaking out about cheating, corruption and incompetence in Hawai’i. Locals didn’t listen. Hawaiian Electric incinerated Lahaina, Maui.

Republicans are tough. They will kick your ass. Criticize them and prepare for a fight. Democrats are “passive aggressive” — insecure and wither when challenged. Won’t confront critics face-to-face. They sneak up from behind and sucker punch the critic in the head.

For years, have expressed my admiration and respect for Tulsi. She became my U.S. Congresswoman in 2013. Her district included my home island of Kaua’i. Also adore and honor the service of her father, state senator Mike Gabbard, as well as her amazing mother, Carol. What an honorable American family and success story.

And, like all the Gabbards, I love my Country. Tulsi wrote her latest book, “For Love of Country” and left the Democratic (not Democrat, by the way) Party behind. 

Tulsi Gabbard most-recent book, For Love of Country: Leave the Democrat Party Behind

However, one cannot love our Country by partnering with Don the Con. Supported many of his policies; even voted for him in 2016 and 2020. These were my first votes for a Republican presidential candidate. January 6th was the end however. One cannot love our Country claiming the USA election system is rigged. Who remember’s Don’s rabid fans screaming, “Hang Mike Pence”? Dangerous.

Best way to destroy democracy in a constitutional republic is to convince voters their electoral system is broken. Now Don claims the judicial system is rigged. Millions of Black and poor Americans have believed this way for generations — the JUST US system, they claim.

Tulsi could soon be “a heartbeat from the presidency.” This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Tulsi undoubtably puts “lipstick on this pig” of Donald Trump. She represents light, hope and the kindness of the Aloha Spirit. Shootz, brah! He’s still a pig. I would support Tulsi (again) for president. She would be a far better leader than Don or Joe.

Sarah Palin brought John McCain back to life. Imagine now what Tulsi Gabbard will do to brighten the reputation of this egotistical madman, who is hell-bent on destroying faith in America’s system.

Wish Senator Mike Gabbard, Tulsi, Carol and family the best. Condolences again for the violent death of Mike’s sister. Was a tragic and unforgivable loss! Will America suffer a tragic and violent death at the hands of Don Trump? Stay tuned.

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Ko’olau of Kaua’i. I am the Defiant One
“I Believe We Can”

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